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Immunizations & Infections

Black medical cross icon, symbolizing healthcare, medical services, or first aid. Vaccines save lives and protect public health. Routine immunizations serve as preventative tools, but misinformation can create hesitation and unfamiliarity. Vaccines prevent hospitalizations and deaths all over the world, and are determined based on age, special situations, or by indications. Any contraindications is assessed by our healthcare providers during your medical visit.

A person receiving a vaccine injection in their upper arm, administered by a healthcare professional.

Reasons To Vaccinate

People need immunizations throughout their life because childhood vaccines can wear off over time. Vaccines can help the immune system fight different diseases faster and more effectively by introducing ‘weakened’ or inactive parts of antigens that trigger an immune response within their body.

Basically, the immune system of a person who has been vaccinated becomes more resistant to the germ it is designed to fight and if the germ enters the body again, it knows how to fight it.

All Adults Need Immunizations
The benefits of vaccines outweigh their side effects, which may include slight pain, tenderness at the site of the injection.
Vaccines prevent getting and spreading serious diseases, especially when considering factors such as age, job, lifestyle, travel, or health conditions.
Close-up microscopic view of Salmonella bacteria, showing rod-shaped bacteria with flagella in yellow and red tones.
Management Of Infections

Infectious diseases are communicable illnesses caused by pathogens that enter the body. The most common causes are viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.

Infectious diseases usually spread from person to person, through contaminated food or water and through bug bites. The most common infectious diseases are the common cold, the flu, stomah flu, hepatitis, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Central Nervous System

Common Infections

Amebiasis, Avian Influenza (Bird flu), Botulism, Campylobacter infection, Chancroid Chickenpox (Varicella,) Chlamydia infections, Cholera, Coronavirus, Dengue Fever, Diphtheria, E E. coli Infections, Ebola Virus, Gastroenteritis, Viral German Measles (Rubella,) Gonococcal Infection (Gonorrhea,) Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS,) Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease,) Leptospirosis, Malaria, Hemorrhagic Fever, Melioidosis, Measles, Meningitis, Meningococcal disease, Respiratory Syndrome, Coronavirus (MERS-CoV,) Monkeypox, Mumps N, Pertussis (Whooping Cough,) Pneumococcal Disease, Polio, Rabies, Salmonellosis, Syphilis, Tetanus, Tuberculosis (TB,) Typhoid fever, Yellow Fever, Zika Virus.

Adult Immunization Schedule


19-26 years

27-49 years

50-64 years

65+ years




2- or 3- dose primary series and booster

History of a severe allergic reaction or a known diagnosed allergy to a component of the COVID-19 vaccine†

History of anaphylaxis, moderate or severe acute illness, with or without fever, myocarditis, or a non-severe, immediate allergic reaction after a dose.

Influenza inactivated (IIV4)

1 dose annually

Severe allergic reaction after previous dose of any influenza vaccine or to any vaccine component (excluding egg)

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) within 6 weeks after a previous dose. Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever

Influenza live attenuated

1 dose annually


Severe allergic reaction, anatomic or functional asplenia, immunocompromised due to any cause, close contacts or caregivers of severely immunosuppressed persons,, pregnancy, Cochlear implant.

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) within 6 weeks after a previous dose. Asthma in persons aged 5 years or older. Persons with underlying medical conditions. Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever.

Tetanus, diphtheria pertussis

1 dose Tdap, then Td or Tdap booster every 10 years

Severe allergic reaction after a previous dose or to a vaccine component. For Tdap only: Encephalopathy not attributable to another identifiable cause, within 7 days of administration of previous dose of DTP, DTaP, or Tdap 

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) within 6 weeks after a previous dose. History of Arthus-type hypersensitivity reactions. oderate or severe acute illness with or without fever For Tdap only: Progressive or unstable neurological disorder, uncontrolled seizures, or progressive encephalopathy.

Measles, mumps, rubella

1 or 2 doses if born in 1957 or later


Severe allergic reaction. Severe immunodeficiency. Pregnancy. Family history of altered immunocompetence. 

Recent (≤11 months) receipt of antibody-containing blood product. History of thrombocytopenia or thrombocytopenic purpura. Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever


2 doses if born in 1980 or later

2 doses

Severe allergic reaction. Severe immunodeficiency. Pregnancy. Family history of altered immunocompetence. 

Recent (≤11 months) receipt of antibody-containing blood product. Receipt of specific antiviral drugs 24 hours before vaccination. Use of aspirin. Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever


2 doses for immunocompromising conditions

2 doses

Severe allergic reaction after a previous dose.

Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever. Current herpes zoster infection

Human papillomavirus

2 or 3 doses

27 through 45 years


Severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. Pregnancy: HPV vaccination not recommended 

Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever


1 dose PCV15 followed by PPSV23 or 1 dose PCV20


Severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. Severe allergic reaction to any diphtheria-toxoid–containing vaccine.

Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever

Hepatitis A

2, 3, or 4 doses depending on vaccine

Severe allergic reaction after a previous dose, including neomycin

Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever

Hepatitis B

2, 3, or 4 doses depending on vaccine or condition


Severe allergic reaction after a previous dose, including yeast.Pregnancy: Heplisav-B and PreHevbrio are not recommended.

Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever

Meningococcal A, C, W, Y

1 or 2 doses depending on indication

Severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. 

Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever

Meningococcal B

19 through 23 years

2 or 3 doses depending on vaccine and indication, see notes for booster recommendations

Severe allergic reaction after a previous dose.

Pregnancy. Latex sensitivity. Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever

Haemophilus Influenza

1 or 3 doses depending on indication

Severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. History of severe allergic reaction to dry natural latex 

Moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


“Vaccines and antibiotics have made many infectious diseases a thing of the past; we've come to expect that public health and modern science can conquer all microbes. But nature is a formidable adversary.”

Tom Frieden
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